I have thought about beauty every day of my life. Constantly admiring and rejoicing on every encounter of beauty in its many forms and it’s never ceased to amaze me nor I have let it become trivial.
I love beautiful things. I have always been drawn on to beautiful objects, beautiful places, beautiful faces of people young and old, beautiful houses and a beautifully dressed person. The exquisiteness of uniquely lined teeth, the unexpected quality of design of a wild flower, the miraculous infinite colors of a sunset, the brilliant waves in the ocean, the deep intricate enigmatic shades of the sea, the strength and movement of the fingers, the elongated and rhythmic figure of a dancer, the shine and flexibility of a mane of hairs moving together, the shades of gold and all metals, the wildness of fur, the deepness of a diamond combined with its incredible strength, the vibrant hues of gemstones, the smile of a baby, the softness of their skins, the candid response of a child, the enchantment of a lovely gesture, the beautiful sweetness of a soft voice, the soothing power of honesty in good manners, the healing power of love, and the endurance of it… I have thought about beauty every day of my life. Constantly admiring and rejoicing on every encounter of beauty in its many forms and it’s never ceased to amaze me nor I have let it become trivial.
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