I have thought about beauty every day of my life. Constantly admiring and rejoicing on every encounter of beauty in its many forms and it’s never ceased to amaze me nor I have let it become trivial.
I love beautiful things. I have always been drawn on to beautiful objects, beautiful places, beautiful faces of people young and old, beautiful houses and a beautifully dressed person. The exquisiteness of uniquely lined teeth, the unexpected quality of design of a wild flower, the miraculous infinite colors of a sunset, the brilliant waves in the ocean, the deep intricate enigmatic shades of the sea, the strength and movement of the fingers, the elongated and rhythmic figure of a dancer, the shine and flexibility of a mane of hairs moving together, the shades of gold and all metals, the wildness of fur, the deepness of a diamond combined with its incredible strength, the vibrant hues of gemstones, the smile of a baby, the softness of their skins, the candid response of a child, the enchantment of a lovely gesture, the beautiful sweetness of a soft voice, the soothing power of honesty in good manners, the healing power of love, and the endurance of it… I have thought about beauty every day of my life. Constantly admiring and rejoicing on every encounter of beauty in its many forms and it’s never ceased to amaze me nor I have let it become trivial.
I love beautiful things. I have always been drawn on to beautiful places, beautiful faces of people young and old, beautiful houses and a beautifully dressed person.
Everyday I get surprised by something beautiful. I truly believe beauty is not in the eye of the beholder. It is rather a talent. To see it, to seek it and to behold it. It does not have anything to do with genes although beautiful young faces could be accidents of nature; beautiful spirits at every age are truly remarkable works of art. I think beauty has to do with training more than what nature has given you. It is more an acquired taste and a learned behavior. To seek and long for beauty in the everyday life is almost a forgotten habit and one that I dare to revitalize and cherish.
To seek and long for beauty in the everyday life is almost a forgotten habit and one that I dare to revitalize and cherish.
I do not care for “fashion”, the way it is portrayed by the media and the fashion industry. I think it is sometimes depicted as shallow, empty and accidental. What I truly, really love is the art of making beautiful garments. The fabrics and materials. The unique way every designer interprets the shape of a dress or a blouse or a skirt and jacket. The beauty of a perfectly fitted, executed and designed dress or piece of cloth. The originality of it. The preparation of it. The colors, the textures, the techniques, the unexpected way everything is transformed by wearing a beautiful dress, a beautiful jacket, a stunning shoe or the perfect outfit. The rush of contentment that accompanies the moment and the transformative attitude that one acquires moving inside a truly astounding dress with the right jewelry and absolutely gorgeous shoes. I truly like the gift that you present to your neighbor by displaying yourself the best you can.
I want to teach that wearing a beautiful outfit must not be left for a special occasion as every day is the perfect occasion to celebrate life, to be alive and lovely.
I think everyone has the power of achieving beauty in their lives. I believe beauty is for everyone and could be embrace by everyone young and old, wealthy or not. Not only by offering yourself to the world the best you can but also in every aspect of your life, your home, your food, your choice of music, your choice of words, the sound of your voice, your thoughts, your job, your surroundings, your attitude toward yourself and others.
Beauty is wholesome and involves all aspects of life, spiritual and material.
I want to teach that wearing a beautiful outfit must not be left for a special occasion, as every day is the perfect occasion to celebrate life and to be alive and lovely. This is my goal to spread beautiful garments to love and cherish everyday and in every occasion. Clothes that could be worn not just as a mean of protecting the skin but furthermore as a way of expressing yourself and as a liberating medium by conveying your love for yourself and for the others when they see you. I think wearing a beautifully put-together outfit lift the spirit and feed the soul no matter if you are a child or an adult, or if you are affluent or modest.
I consider we live in a world that has become almost numb and unaware of beauty. Too often I meet people too prejudiced to appreciate beauty in all its forms who think that if you enjoy beauty or look pretty and put together you are conceited. On the contrary I think looking our best is a way of showing respect for the life that has been given to us. I have come to understand that “misery loves company” and in a world filled with despair we are maybe responsible of snapping out of misery at all cost. Beauty could be seek and found to be happy and complete. Beauty is wholesome and involves all aspects of life, spiritual and material.
Too often I meet people too prejudiced to appreciate beauty in all its forms who think that if someone look pretty and put together they are conceited. On the contrary I think looking our best is a way of showing respect for the life that has been given to us.
I have always admire beauty in dressing and for as long as I can remember I have wanted to wear and to create beautiful clothes. I did not comprehended the idealism or the dimension of “fashion” while I was growing up in the countryside of Puerto Rico, but by the time I was eight years old I had made my first dress in which I proudly walked to my aunt house barely capable of moving my legs because I did not make a slit at the back of the bluish flowery cotton skirt. From then on I have been making dresses on and off all my life and has been a way of transforming my life in the process. Today I am humbled by the opportunity that the universe and my dear husband has lent me to begin one of the most beautiful journeys of my life: to create beautiful pieces of clothing for all my beloved women all over who wants to be defined by wholesome beauty and love.
Brenda Noy